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Premium Listing
30 day listing
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Shared on social media and email newsletter
Custom pricing
Unlimited Premium listings
Unlimited Standard listings
Up to 50% discount
We will get the details from your job description, format them by hand and your job will be live within one working day.
For communication purposes. Not public.
A secure payment page will open in a new tab.
Frequently Asked Questions:

How many applicants a job receives largely depends on location and level of role. For each Premium listing, we promise a minimum of:
  • 150 clicks for a remote position.
  • 100 clicks for an in-person position based in a major city in North America or Europe.
If the minimum number of applicants is not met within the 30 days the listing is active, it will stay on until the minimum applicants are reached.

Most candidates come from the United States and Europe. Below is a breakdown of the 5 countries we get most candidates from:
1. United States - 44.8%
2. Europe* - 22.5%
3. India - 9.4%
4. Canada - 5.4%
5. Nigeria - 1.8%
* The 5 European countries with most applicants: United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal

We use Plausible and MailerLite to measure how many applicants come from our website and the email newsletter.

All jobs are manually approved before being published. This takes up to one working day. After a job is posted, it stays on the job board for 30 days.

We manually track when your job listing expires and remove it for you. If you want to remove a job listing before it has expired, contact us on support@uiuxdesignerjobs.com.

Yes. Contact us on support@uiuxdesignerjobs.com to set up a payment via invoice.

We are happy to answer any further questions you may have. Contact us on support@uiuxdesignerjobs.com.

Key Metrics


Monthly Unique Visitors


Monthly Candidates Referred


Newsletter Subscribers


Social Media Followers

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